It’s a win-win situation with TimeSkipper!

By using TimeSkipper on a daily basis, everyone wins, from the self-service employee to the customer, including the manager, shop director and member/franchisee.


It’s straightforward: I log in and create my timetable for the following day. I adjust it to consider my management’s demands and my team’s requirements.

This entire process takes me a mere 15 minutes.

And now I can :

  • Visualise my team’s workload
  • Distribute tasks fairly
  • Allocate new tasks to create value for my customers


At the briefing, I use my schedule as a basis and explain how it has been achieved.

My colleagues know exactly what is expected of them and how the workload has been distributed. And if hazards occur, I can react promptly because I know how much leeway I have.

For the rest of the day, I know where everyone stands. I can check at any time that everything is going according to plan. And I’m free to focus on my management tasks.

The following days

I have indicators at my disposal to readjust the workload and adapt schedules. But also to identify potential gains or my need for overtime.


I have indicators at my disposal to readjust the workload and adapt schedules. But also to identify potential gains or my need for overtime.


Before my manager arrives, I look at the schedule and visualise my day. I know what I need to start with.

At briefing time, I get some details from my manager and I now know :

  • exactly what I have to do: which tasks, whether I’m going to have to help someone or whether someone is coming to support me
  • how much time I’ll be spending on sales advice, click and collect or other tasks specific to my outlet
  • everyone else’s workload

For the rest of the day, I carry out the tasks set out in my schedule.

At the end of the day, I leave with peace of mind. I’ve done what was expected of me.

Every Monday

I organise a review with my managers.

To prepare for it, I study the indicators for the week provided by TimeSkipper (time taken to finish stocking shelves, overload or underload of certain employees, hours available, time spent on sales advice, sales force at the right time at the point of sale, etc.).

I try to challenge them.

On different days of the week

I look at the schedule drawn up by my managers and go out into the field to check that everything is in order.

In this way, I can see whether the recommendations and requests have been taken into account by my managers in the schedules (e.g. tidying up the storeroom, implementing a promotion, reviewing the planogram, deploying sales advice in a particular area, etc.).

Every Monday

I receive an SMS from TimeSkipper.

I get information on under and overloading by department and the people affected by under or overloading.

If I want to go into more detail, I get detailed reports. This will enable me to challenge my shop managers if any anomalies are found.

Once a month

I consult the benchmark available on my TimeSkipper interface. This tells me where I stand in relation to my ecosystem.

I pay attention in the schedules generated by my shop to the hours potentially used to hide available hours (cleaning/reserve).

If need be, I can also adjust the organisation of my shop and know the impact this will have on the teams.

Timeskipper meets your operational needs

Your collaborators know how to carry out all the tasks in the shop and can work on long hours every day.

Are you looking to find out how to ensure that the quality of service (advice, reception, checkout) is guaranteed while at the same time managing the tasks required to run the shop (shelving, facing, signposting, cleaning, tidying the stockroom, etc.) and potentially developing new activities (drive-through, hire, etc.)?  TimeSkipper has the answers!

With TimeSkipper, you can use forecast data to visualise the hours when you need to prioritise sales advice or the drive-thru and those with the least customer flow, so you can concentrate more on management tasks.

By identifying the nature and volume of tasks to be carried out at different times of the day, TimeSkipper will also enable you to size your teams, not on the basis of turnover but on the basis of forecast workload.

You’ll be able to draw up precise schedules 3 weeks or more in advance, so you can manage your teams with peace of mind.

This means answering the question: who does what, in what order and when?

With TimeSkipper, you can define a typical day for the shop and the individual according to the families or departments assigned to them. You can also define the tasks that have to be carried out at set times, those that can be shared between staff or those for which the time spent is flexible (not dependent on the volume of parcels, for example).

With all these parameters, the tool is able to calculate the best distribution of tasks with fairness and encourages mutual assistance so that everything can be done with peace of mind before the end of the day.

TimeSkipper identifies hours that are poorly used (i.e. not available or devoted to tasks that create little value). It can therefore be used to identify the volume of hours that could be reallocated to new activities to be developed in the outlet. It can also be used to determine the volume of additional hours required if the poorly used hours identified are not sufficient.

In this kind of situation, TimeSkipper makes it possible to compare the volume of work with the volume of hours over a very short period, and to identify the hours available each day and for each person. All this while ensuring that all the tasks linked to preserving the operational model are carried out. Reporting will enable you to quickly make choices about reorganising the workload to dispose of excess hours.

As we all know, the retail sector is having trouble recruiting. And that’s not counting the high staff turnover that we see in stores. So it’s a good idea to implement solutions that will keep them coming back. TimeSkipper represents one of them. Our aim is to put the manager back at the centre of team dynamic. Using our tool, he or she is able to distribute the workload more effectively, thereby promoting fairness and transparency, two key drivers of loyalty.

Using our tool, managers can also take the time to do their daily briefings and spend more time together as a team. It’s a great way to unite.

Today’s employees want fairness and transparency. TimeSkipper makes it easy for them.

By identifying the overload and the time available each day, it is able to distribute the overload among the available employees. This, of course, takes account of their skills. What’s more, by stressing the importance of the daily briefing, the manager takes the time to do it every day. The aim of the briefing? To explain the day’s programme and the distribution of the workload. Thanks to these explanations, employees become aware that their manager has distributed the workload fairly and that the tasks assigned to each person can be completed during the day. This gives them greater peace of mind. They can leave on time with all their tasks completed.

The distribution sector is undergoing a number of changes, including a high degree of digitalisation. We need to rethink our operational model in order to cope with these changes and still carry out traditional tasks properly.

TimeSkipper gives you the tools you need to monitor and implement this change. Before implementing the tool, TimeSkipper works with you to define a repository of tasks and associated time standards. In this way, TimeSkipper works with you to define a typical day for the shop and/or its employees.

The reports then provided by the tool will enable you to see how the operational change is progressing, and the gains that have been made. When we talk about gains, we’re talking about hours saved or reallocated to tasks that create added value.

By drawing up the schedules, managers, shop directors or members can see which tasks have been completed during the day.

The reports also give you an overall view of the tasks carried out over a chosen period. You can also evaluate the distribution of tasks. Then you can compare whether the time spent on them matches the standard times for your sector.

By identifying the poorly used hours in your point of sale, you will be able to see the hours available and/or those devoted to tasks with little added value for the customer.

Once these have been identified, you can remedy the situation by planning tasks with higher added value for the customer (advice, cleaning, signposting and labelling, merchandising, etc.), while at the same time carrying out the usual and compulsory tasks of the sales outlet (arrivals, stock, promotions, etc.).

For specialised retailers, thanks to accurate forecasting of sales advice slots, your staff will be available when your customers are in the shop. In this way, your sales force will be deployed at the right moment to provide the best possible customer service, while carrying out the usual management tasks.

Finally, for food retailers, by knowing exactly how long it takes to stock shelves and rolls, and by optimising them, your customers will benefit from the clearest possible sales area from the moment the outlet opens.

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La méthode WFM ultime
pour vos plannings !

Adoptez une gestion opérationnelle
basée sur la réalité terrain, pas sur des biais.