Optimizing Working Time in Retail Stores: A necessity

optimizing working time - Geoffroy d'Argenlieu


At a time when time has become as rare as it is precious—both personally and professionally—its optimization and organization have become critical challenges. In the world of retail, where every minute counts, TimeSkipper positions itself as a key player in time management.

In an interview with Jonathan Le Borgne, our co-founder Geoffroy d’Argenlieu shares more insights.

I - A mission born from a stark observation

Founded about fifteen years ago, TimeSkipper had one ambition: to transform every working hour into tangible, useful value. Geoffroy reveals, “Fifteen years ago, we were pioneers in this field. Today, with labor becoming increasingly scarce and costly, our mission is more relevant than ever.”

For stores, this means making each hour profitable while giving teams the right amount of time to accomplish their tasks. The goal isn’t to make them work faster; quite the opposite. It’s about creating conditions for them to work better.
And that’s where TimeSkipper steps in.

II - The subtle balance between optimization, organization, and well-being

TimeSkipper doesn’t just track task completion. “It’s not about rushing teams but enabling them to work calmly and efficiently,” Geoffroy explains.

The tool schedules tasks, estimates their duration, and redistributes equivalent workloads among employees based on their skills and priorities.
By focusing on workload rather than just task completion, it helps avoid underload, overload, and excessive time spent on low-value tasks for customers.

It's not about rushing teams but enabling them to work calmly and efficiently

With TimeSkipper, it becomes possible to pinpoint “lost” or “misused” hours at a glance. These are moments when teams have no clear directives, and some employees are overwhelmed while others lack activity.

TimeSkipper enables tasks often delayed due to “lack of time”—such as stockroom organization, labeling, or training on new tools or collections—to finally be completed.
A finely tuned and fluid organization benefits both employees and customers.

III- The TimeSkipper diagnostic tells all

When asked for a memorable anecdote, Geoffroy shares the story of a store facing a severe staffing shortage.

“After a few days of analysis, it became clear that one or two people were missing from each team. The workload was overwhelming managers, teams were exhausted, and service quality was deteriorating. Six months later, the manager resigned, confirming our diagnosis.”

This case highlights the human challenge at the heart of time management. TimeSkipper does more than allocate hours; it acts as a catalyst for well-being and collective performance.

After a few days of analysis, it became clear that one or two people were missing from each team. The workload was overwhelming managers, teams were exhausted, and service quality was deteriorating. Six months later, the manager resigned, confirming our diagnosis.

IV - A tailored approach for each sector

Geoffroy emphasizes the differences between food and specialty retail sectors.

In food retail, the flow of goods dictates the pace—receiving, stocking, checkout. In contrast, in specialty retail, where product turnover is slower, the focus is on customer service.

TimeSkipper excels at simultaneously forecasting and managing both customer and product flows using advanced algorithms. It also models various activities with precision.

For example, in specialty retail, this precision ensures that the appropriate number of hours for customer consultation is allocated to sales staff based on foot traffic, while adapting to the size and specifics of each store.

V- TimeSkipper: a unique solution

So, what sets TimeSkipper apart from other management tools?

“Our strength lies in measurement,” Geoffroy explains. “We leverage rich databases and techniques inspired by lean management to provide a precise and actionable view.”

Unlike traditional Workforce Management (WFM) tools that focus on staffing schedules, TimeSkipper specializes in real-time task and workload allocation. This unique positioning helps avoid “false autonomy,” where teams are left to fend for themselves without proper training or supervision.

VI- The future of time and team management in retail

According to Geoffroy, the key to success lies in team empowerment and transparency. By giving employees the tools to better understand their work and propose improvements, TimeSkipper fosters a positive dynamic. Managers shift from firefighting to motivating and leading their teams.

This pragmatic vision not only boosts store performance but also transforms company culture. “It’s not just about being more productive. It’s about building strong foundations where teams are cohesive, effective, and engaged,” Geoffroy concludes.


With TimeSkipper, every working hour regains its purpose, heralding a new era where time management becomes a lever for well-being and performance. This evolution is crucial in the constantly changing world of retail.

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