TimeSkipper is a company with a capital of  11 373€ – SIRET 532 784 451 RCS Nanterre
Publication Manager : Geoffroy d’Argenlieu
Hosting : OVH
2 Rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix


Cookies :

The company Timeskipper is committed to protecting your personal data (as defined in our privacy policy).

We use cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information or text that are sent to your computer when you visit a website to ensure its proper functioning.

We use cookies to collect information necessary for the proper functioning of the site, to process statistics and information about traffic, to facilitate navigation, and to improve the service for user comfort. Other cookies are used to allow you to save your contact information through various forms on the website. They are managed by our partners who host your data.

Timeskipper uses cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site, but also “Google Analytics” cookies: they allow us to know the number of visitors to the site and to improve your user experience on the website. We do not use targeting cookies and advertising tracking.

You can object to the use of certain cookies by customizing your browsing software.


User Information – Privacy Policy:


As part of the download forms (white paper), contact (partners and information), and demonstration request forms on this website www.timeskipper.co (website), the company Timeskipper (SIREN: 532 784 451 RCS Nanterre), as data controller, collects data about you (Name; first name; professional email; telephone number; sector of activity, brand, company, functions within the company, number of points of sale you have (if any)). This data will be processed by a specialized and designated team solely for the task in question.

By completing one of these forms (white paper download, partner program information, demo request), you consent to your personal data being integrated into Timeskipper’s contact database hosted within the European Union. The collection of personal data by Timeskipper is necessary to respond to information requests and commercial relationships of users (of the website) to ensure its proper functioning, generate website statistics, and facilitate its use.

Your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of three years after their collection, or from the last contact from you (for prospects) or from the end of the commercial relationship with you (for customers).

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, as well as the European Regulation of April 27, 2016 on the Protection of Personal Data, you have the right to:

  • Obtain communication and a copy of the personal data concerning you • Oppose the processing of your personal data
  • Request access to your personal data as well as their rectification or deletion
  • Request the portability of the data concerning you and subject to automated processing by Timeskipper
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your personal data • Organize the fate of your data after your death
  • Lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in your country to challenge the data processing practices carried out by Timeskipper.


All these rights can be exercised by recommendation by contacting the company at the following address: (confidentialité@timeskipper.fr).


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basée sur la réalité terrain, pas sur des biais.