A Cultural and Technological Revolution to Continue (2025 Challenges)

L’hypermarché présente un éventail relativement dense de batailles à mener, pour gagner le combat de sa restructuration. Depuis quelques années une problématique supplémentaire s’est invitée, histoire de corser un peu la situation : la difficulté à recruter et à fidéliser les collaborateurs. Quelles en sont les raisons et les impacts, et comment enrayer l’exode des collaborateurs ?

Optimizing Working Time in Retail Stores: A necessity

optimizing working time - Geoffroy d'Argenlieu

The DIY sector has experienced a real upturn over the last two years. However, there have been some signs of weakness: inflation, supply difficulties, delivery delays linked to the Covid crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, and volume drops in certain market segments… An environment that makes it too difficult to win market shares is in full swing on all fronts! In other words, it’s a tough challenge you’re your teams!

How can we boost productivity at the point of sale? – with Carrefour Belgium

Carrefour Belgium: how can we increase the productivity of points of sale in an inflationary, competitive and changing environment? Answering this question also means understanding how to overcome the challenges facing retail. The Belgian retail sector is under pressure, and it has never been more crucial for retailers to differentiate themselves from the competition. With […]

How to successfully transfer your store’s signage?

The food retail market in France is undergoing a complete overhaul, with Intermarché, Auchan and Carrefour taking over Casino stores. These brand changes should boost the market share of these 3 banners, provided that each acquired store builds loyalty among its former customers, recruits new ones and makes them want to spend more, more often. […]

How do activity management and workforce management differ?

The terms “activity management” and “workforce management” are often used to define resource management. But while both solutions involve managing and optimising time and people, they come from different starting points and employ different approaches. Workforce management is based on an HR culture and is used to optimise work schedules: itschedules the right number of […]

In 2023, let’s save margins!

Maintaining activity by controlling costs while continuing to invest will enable us to limit the decline in profitability for 2023 and emerge stronger from this crisis. – let’s be lucid but remain positive – is that levers exist and that stores can capture them thanks to activity management and implementing innovations.
It remains now to know and follow the proper steps rigorously. Details by Timeskipper …


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pour vos plannings !

Adoptez une gestion opérationnelle
basée sur la réalité terrain, pas sur des biais.